Premium Listing Package
A very limited number of places are available each month for Come On Aussie’s Premium Listing Package.
This is a very competitive solution, and not just because you’ll save nearly 75% by bundling four very effective options together.
Since it’s only available to a select few customers, you’d expect the price to be a lot higher than it actually is!
Only |
The Come On Aussie Premium Listing Package provides savvy webmasters with four web site promotional techniques in one low monthly subscription, saving you over 50% off the normal casual rates!
Here’s what you’ll get (samples shown are for a “live” customer in the ink cartridge business)
Direct Home Page Text Link – Normal value $125/month
First up, you get a direct link to your web site with the keyword anchor text of your choice (limit of 3-5 key words), from the Come On Aussie home page.
The image at right shows the Aussie Supporters section where these text links appear – the top right hand corner of the home page.
- Direct Sponsored Category Text Link – Normal Value $50/month
Next… get exclusive placement with a sponsored link
at the top of the main category page relevant to your web site (where available).Because of the exclusive nature of sponsored links, some categories may not be available. In such cases, alternative arrangements can be arranged i.e. graphical advertising in the top LH margin (see example pic and link at right).
This sponsored link is another direct link to your site. It uses your anchor text along with a two line description to encourage people to click through to your site.
- Top Of Page Listing – Normal Value $120/pa
Get maximum results from your placement in our search results for keywords matching your web site with a “top-of-page” listing at Come On Aussie.
You’ll get an additional listing for your web site in TWO categories of your choice. This listing will always appear at the top of the search/category results. It’s the first thing people see when they search for any matching keywords at Come On Aussie (see picture below).
Special Bonus – Value $75As a special bonus worth just for PLP partners, I’ll personally create a totally different, much longer and highly effective description for your top-of-page listing, when compared to your free COA listing (see image at right).
You’ll more than double the impact of your sales message.
This special page is highly Search Engine Optimised with special keyword based page names and titles.
It can have even more direct links to your site, and contains only limited advertising on the page to ensure maximum click-throughs.
And… once setup, you can easily edit your listing whenever you choose!
- Banner Advertising – Normal Value $25/month
To round off your Premium Listing Package, you also get non-exclusive “whole of site” banner advertising, using your own 468px x 60px banner ads, with a redirect link to your site… as in the example below…
Places Are Extremely Limited
A limited number of placements are available for participation in this program to ensure the effectiveness of these links is not diluted by too many competing links all on the home page.
Save Around 74% Today!
Total value of the above advertising options if purchased separately is $285 a month… but that’s far too much 🙂
So take around 74% off that, and the Come On Aussie Premium Listing Package is available at an extremely reasonable AUD$75 per month, payable by PayPal subscription.
To reserve your package now, please click the PayPal button below, and I’ll be in touch by email within 24 hours to get all the details needed to set up your Come On Aussie Premium Listing Package.
Order your Come On Aussie Premium Listing Package NOW! Your investment for this limited offer Click the PayPal button below to Order Now: |
But Wait… There IS More…
Take out a Six Month Subscription right now for just $405,
and you’ll Save Another 10% on the normal monthly rate.
If you’ve got ANY questions at all about this package, then please get in touch.
To your success
Stephen Spry
P.S. Since PayPal handle this subscription, you have complete control over it! Don’t want it anymore? Simply login to PayPal and cancel the subscription. Easy!
P.S.S. And don’t forget my extra bonus (value $75) if you need it… to carefully personally handcraft your premium listing page to maximise your conversions!
P.S.S.S. Perhaps you’d like more information about our other Internet services